Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 29

"a date you’d love for someone to take you on"

Exotic date. Like, bring me to an unpopulated island and set up tables and candles, fancy dinner so I still get to wear something super fancy, then have some mariachi playing in the background and enjoy the night! Then lay down on the sand and watch the stars and count the shooting stars we can find. :)

Day 28

"something you makes you really angry"

"Why are you so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happiness."

Day 27

"a person you wished lived closer and why"

Mommy Megan
Who wouldn't want her to live closer?? She MY MOMMY!!! :D I really had the best time of my life when she was geographically close to me. She was always there for me any time of day and I loved her company so much that's why I want her near me again! She kept me positive all the time and her presence just makes me jubilant. :)

The best joy ride is if you have someone driving with you.

Day 26

"5 things you're looking forward to"

2. Mom's Green Card :OOO
3. Acceptance letter from Southwestern Adventist University
4. Talking to my Great Daddy :)
and last but not the least...
5. The Promise Land, Jerusalem, the Holy City ^_^

Thank you!

Dear Daddy!!!

You've been so kind to me!! :) Thank you for allowing me to consistently enjoy the work-out! :) Now, I have another request...... :3 I want to be able to talk to you when I wake up and when before I sleep. T_T Two weeks ago was a blast! :D I was talking to you so much and that was really fun! But then, I came back to my old habit of not even dropping by a little hi or hello. I'm so sorry. :'( So that is what I ask. For me to consistently talk to You Daddy. :3 I really apologize for not trying harder but You are a great Father and I know that you'll guide me every step of the way. :) I love you Dad!!

Daughter Gracie ^_^

Saturday 22 February 2014

Day 25

"Last movie watched"

The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey didn't quite amused me but upon watching the sequel, Desolation of Smaug, I was so engaged to the Hobbit that I re-watched Unexpected Journey and actually paid attention. I really love the story and Bilbo makes the best Hobbit! :)

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day 24

"your favorite 10 people right now and why"

1. Tita Girlie - for being my role model in my spiritual life. for being not just my teacher but my best friend, sister, mommy, counselor, therapist, doctor, and my angel. for giving me hope to carry on. for showing me light when the path is so dark. :)
2. Ms. Mocca - for being my lovable mom. for believing in me and my capabilities and never doubting how successful I will be in life. for understanding me in my utmost despair. for not giving up on me when I push everyone else away.
3. Matthew - for being a true best friend who you can truly depend on. for being always there no matter what weather I go through.
4. Kenya&Leif - for being an inspiration for my education to pursue to go to Southwestern Adventist School and for bringing more passion in my musical life. for being such a cute couple! for bring inspiration to my singing career and for showing hope in my career.
5. Jana - for being my first ever best friend and for making me realize that the true meaning of best friend to stick together through thick and thin. for introducing me to how Jesus is alive in our hearts and our life. for being that soul sister I'll never ever forget. 
6. Allanah - for knocking on my door even if you were not wanted. for being persistent and tolerating me. for bringing happiness in my life. i tend to forget to be young and be happy at times but her existence is my reminder of being happy. 
7. Yunic - for being a sister in Christ. for introducing me to composing music. without this girl, i don't know if I would ever discover my hidden talent in writing songs. for being a Dorcas that inspires to have passion in serving others.
8. Joy - for being my other sister in Christ. for reflecting a strong faithful relationship with God no matter what storm, tsunamis, hurricane, passes by.
9. Danny - for advising me. for never getting tired of my rants and understanding me. for making me cry also to realize certain things in life.
10. Patrick - for being the best penpal I've ever had. for being proud of your culture because it is a relief to know that there are people who proudly represent their country.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Day 23

"a month/year of your life when you were happiest and why"

November 2010
I turned 16 on this month of 2010. At first, my whole morning wasn't too exciting. It was just like any other day, no specialty of the day. My best friends did not greet me and I expected them to do so but they didn't so I was downhearted. The day went on and I was going to Bonzai with Ms. Mocca. And then, she told me we had to drop by Joy to "pick up" something. I came up and it was dark. THEN! To my surprise, everyone was there! They've prepared food for me, celebrate with me in my birthday! :D I felt super love! And that is all thanks to Joy Lacorte!! ^_^

Thursday 13 February 2014

The forgotten friend

How have you been
my dear friend.
i've been looking all over the earth for you
did you read my text?
i invited you to a party.
i left you a message
but you didn't answer
i started to wonder
and worry
why i haven't you responded?
i thought to myself
is she all right?
maybe her battery is dead
what if she's feeling bad?
maybe i should call her.
i'm starting to worry even more
the next day then i asked you
where have you been?
and it's so ironic when said
that you are
a forgotten friend.

Thoughts to ponder..

To Myself by W.S. Merwin

Once, you were care-free. Always in high spirits. Overflowing with joy. Keeping a hopeful character. Then your walls come crashing down. Circumstances we never imagine happening would come knocking at our door. All that joy and happiness was stripped away. However, that builds the character of who we are going to be as an adult. The question is, Would you fall to that melancholy and not move forward or would you move forward and keep up a positive behavior despite the challenges? I choose the latter. If you chose the second option to keep reaching for your goals, you come to that feeling when you desire something that is from the past. You crave for that character you’ve had as a young child. Though the challenge is that you’ve grown up, and you’ve been prideful. You’re too egoistical to resort to how you once were because you’re ashamed of that and that people might think you’re childish. W.S. Merwin’s poem “To Myself” explains the struggles between the past and the present during that moments when we crave for that childish character within our hearts to escape from reality just for a while and be care-free.

At times, as a grown up, we tend to “forget” about who we once were, naughty child yet playful, rebellious teenager yet full of aspirations and dreams in life. Either we get too sucked up with our problems or too prideful to admit that you want to play tag, or hide-and-go-seek. We tell ourselves, ‘We live in reality. We can’t be like children anymore. We can’t be like teenagers any longer’. Even if we tell ourselves that, we “go on looking for” that child inside of us. We try to remember those exact feelings we’ve had but we are not so sure sometimes though we “believe” that we do. Because it was us. We can’t pinpoint it and it’s in the tip of our tongue but we were sure that our past self “was there a moment before”. It’s as if our past persona is “still alive” when we reminisce the way life used to be. We lose ourselves because over time we pretend to be someone who we were not. In reality, we “are still the same” but we “pretend to be time” but “we are not time”. Especially in these lines “you speak in the words but you are not what they say.” As humans, we are people pleaser so you do things because that’s what society is wanting you to do. We want to act like everyone else but we don’t realize that we forget who we truly are. In our past, we build a strong foundation and decide that this is who I’m going to be. We have it set in our minds but once you start interacting with people around you, you are somewhat ashamed of who you are.

Merwin took his poem into a third-person point of view to create this realistic person of our past so we can truly understand how our behavior is right now in the present. When we’re younger, we’re not too afraid of being true to ourselves but when you’ve grown up, you want to fit in. Then there’s a game of tug-of-war between us and the past because we have the mentality to try and fit in and not accept what we’ve been in the past. Without consideration within yourself, you will find yourself lost and that’s why we spend our time reminiscing the past as much as we could so we can linger to that hopes, dreams, and do things because it is what our heart desires and not what someone else desires. What the poem tells me overall, is that always be proud of who you are. Don’t be afraid of being different.

scruff edges from the past

scraped when you came
fixed was i
the best texture
no signs of shatters

kept you safe
in my treasure box
amongst the gold
the silver, the bronze
and the pearls

yet one robbery
steals all of you
and all of me

and thirty days
no one spoke

left in the dark
misty air
gone, gone, gone

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 22

"how you judge intelligence"

Intelligence. Intelligence is the basic structure of a person's capacity in success towards life. Every one possess intelligence however, it is based on the person whether they use it to better this world or use it to make things worst. Intelligence is the basis of a person's personality as well so if you don't have one then don't expect to be a successful person in the future.

Day 21

"what does your favorite t-shirt look like"

I got this shirt from Japan and I bought it for a dollar in a thrift shop. :) I really like it because the cloth is so nice and it matches all of my knee-length skirts, shorts, and pants. :D It's really comfortable when I wear it.

Monday 10 February 2014

Work out plan! Healthy life!

Dad!!! So I'm doing this work out called T25. It's my first day today...... AGAIN!! I've successfully done it for a week but failed to follow through within the next weeks. I told myself so many times that I'm gonna do it on Monday. Then A LOT of Mondays passed by and still I haven't started the work-out. BUT THEN!!! I finally found a perfect time for the work-out schedule!! So I started today and put an appropriate time which is 830PM. The work-out lasts for about 30 minutes or less. So, I would like to ask for guidance. To make this consistent and make it work out for me please!! If the time isn't right please let me know so I can adjust!! I know for sure you would want me to change the Friday schedule. I think you just gave me the answer and have it done by Sunday since Friday is a Double day friday where I'm supposed to do two work-outs! Ah! perfect!! thanks Dad!! Sooo, just please please let me finish this work-out and be with my coach for the next 10 weeks!! just 10 weeks Dad!! That's all i need!! And please help me out with my diet too! :3 I really want to be healthy in terms of my food. I pray you provide food since we don't have foodstamp anymore. :( Anyway, THAT'S ALL!! Thank you so much for blessing me so much throughout last week and I know you'll keep blessing me until I see you :) I love you Dad!
*Hugs and Kisses*

Saturday 8 February 2014


It's like the wheels in cars
spins round and round
stops when you say so
keeps moving when you go