Sunday 26 January 2014

Day 15

"a song that makes you cry and why"

"Alabaster Box"

The room grew still
As she made her way to Jesus
She stumbles through the tears that made her blind
She felt such pain
Some spoke in anger
Heard folks whisper
There's no place here for her kind
Still on she came
Through the shame that flushed her face
Until at last, she knelt before his feet
And though she spoke no words
Everything she said was heard
As she poured her love for the Master
From her box of alabaster


And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And I dry them with my hair
You weren't there the night He found me
You did not feel what I felt
When he wrapped his love all around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box

I can't forget the way life used to be
I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound
And I spent my days 
Poured my life without measure
Into a little treasure box
I'd thought I'd found
Until the day when Jesus came to me
And healed my soul
With the wonder of His touch
So now I'm giving back to Him
All the praise He's worthy of
I've been forgiven 
And that's why
I love Him so much


And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And dry them with my hair (my hair)
You weren't there the night Jesus found me
You did not feel what I felt 
When He wrapped his loving arms around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
Oh, you don't know the cost of my praise
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box

This song is a very touching story about the prostitute Mary Magdalene offering her praise to Jesus. On her way to Jesus, people were murmuring and whispering saying that she doesn't belong in the house of the Lord because she was such a dirty woman. A very sinful woman and she is not accepted before the feet of Jesus Christ. But she proceeded to what she came for and put oil on Jesus' feet. She wanted to repay Jesus for His kindness and just praise His name and uplift Him and serve Him. This song really touches my heart because there are many of us who are like Mary and I am one of those Mary's. She felt disgusted about herself and she probably didn't think that Jesus would ever accept her because of her wrongdoings. But Jesus accepted her just as the way she is and that changed her life. Jesus accepts anyone in this world. No matter how bad of a drinker or smoker you are, how addicted you are in drugs, Jesus will welcome you with His arms wide open.

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