Friday 17 January 2014

Day 11

"the worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given"

LIIIIIIIIIESSSSSS!!!! There IS a set path for everyone who is walking in this world!! We just don't see it because our lives is in the hands of our Daddy up there! Just trust Him with that. Now in regards to following your heart!! Ooh, that's dangerous brothers and sisters! Following your heart will lead you nowhere because feelings are so temporary. Our human nature is to do something and want something because that's what our heart wants. Feelings are deceiving. We don't have control of it sometimes because it doesn't think, it just do. Our minds is what we should learn to use. It is the mind after all that has control of EVERYTHING. So just saying, it's dangerous to follow your heart because you will fall in a big hole and will take long to get out of it. When your mind tells you no, no. No matter what your heart wants.

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